
It's Not My Time



04-16-2013, 01:21 AM

His gorgeous eyes continued to follow her movements and Xenios smiled inwardly. She liked the fact he was watching her. It was a prideful feeling. One that gave her a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach. Perhaps she wasn't as odd looking as she first thought. Sure the markings on her face were odd, but perhaps she was beautiful. Was she? That would be a question she'd surprise somebody with another time.

Her own eyes watched his body. She observed him for a brief moment. Honestly she was quite handsome. His crimson color was rather attractive, and the odd appaloosa markings and just the overall unique look to him made him rather cute. But what was she thinking? She'd just met the kid. Then again her thoughts were always all over the place. Some of them weren't always her own.

Ears pricked forward at just the mere mention of death. He wanted to kill his father? How delightful. A soft rumble reverberated through her chest and Xenios'eyes closed in obvious pleasure at his words. It wasn't her. He manipulated her. He craved the blood. For once she wasn't arguing with Him either.

"When you do...gnaw his head from the rest of his body and place it high for the rest of your pack to see."

A soft maniacal giggle escaped past her lips and she looked at him with a smile on her face. This boy was interesting. He hardly seemed like a Seracian. In fact, if she really thought about it, his hatred fit the darker spectrum of things. He was certainly a character indeed! So different than she expected. God how she loved it.

She dared to get closer to him. A part of her was curious. She wondered how he looked the way he did. What was with the odd markings? How did he get them? The girl attempted to circle him. She hoped he would stay still. Steps were lithe as her tiny frame walked towards his. A curious expression overtook her face as she studied him.

"Do you realize how gorgeous you are? I've never seen a pelt quite like yours?"

The words slipped from her mouth without really thinking. She didn't even think about them after they slipped out. Instead she gave him yet another smile, this one a bit more seductive. It was all coming naturally. She was quite the odd creature. Her moods ever changing. She couldn't help it though and she certainly wasn't gonna bite her tongue. She was a free spirit and would speak her mind.

"Speech" "He speaks"