
welcome to the congregation


12-12-2015, 10:28 PM

[Image: B_zpsb4466829.png]

B, Just B

The wolf shrieked and B flew higher, almost leaving completely. His heart beat in his tiny chest, and if he didn't feel some sort of small burst of pride at hurting a mighty woof he just might have left. But... B was oddly proud of himself. Those creatures ruled the lands now, and they often tried to eat him. And call him stupid. B was not stupid though, he did it! He hurt the mighty woof! With a victory call he landed a few feet away from the now stunned dog, his head turning to and fro. Green striped feathers bobbed atop his head as he studied the wolf, who did not seem to be hurt at all. Oh boy. B's wings stretched out at his side, and he was ready to take off as soon as the beast made a move. But he just sat there, and moved a paw to flatten the fake shiny. A murmur like caw left his throat, a birdy sigh, and he hopped a bit closer to eye the dead shiny. "The woof did it! Fake shiny is dead! Oh B is thanking you for helping, many woofs do not help B. They call B names and throw things at B, which makes B very sad. And mad, caw! Cause B is a big scary crow, you see? Woof sees?" He asked, hopping back and forth in front of the black creature. Right away he liked this woof, this one called Cesar. He killed fake shiny and did not try to eat him, yet. And there was no name calling, not yet. Oh no, this woof seemed... different. Almost kind of like B, but not really. Cause B was a bird and Cesar was a woof, so not really the same. But close, close! Oh yes, a friend! Could it be? He may be jumping ahead of himself, but B did not have many friends, not since Twig woof went away with her mate woof.