
you just might see a ghost tonight

Absinthe 1

12-13-2015, 01:50 AM

When the storm did arrive, the lass was wholly unprepared. She was barely halfway up the side of the volcano, caught somewhere between bitter memories and searching for shelter. Neither endeavour was altogether enjoyable. A rumble of distant thunder suddenly came to roar overhead, and rain came pitter pattering down from the sky. Slowly at first, gentle drops of water that chilled her to the bone where they crept through her undercoat. Winter was here, if she'd ever doubted it before. Perhaps she'd head south, where it might be a little warmer. After all, it had been a little longer than she'd expected to be gone. No doubt her pack had given up on her, and renounced her. Wouldn't be the first time a family gave up on her, now would it? Another loud rumble from the sky, accompanied a few beats later by a flash of blinding light. Part of her wanted to perceive this as a threat, for reasons unknown. A low growl would rumble betwixt her narrow ribs, eyes raised upwards to glower at the heavens. As if in response, electricity crackled through the air, and a gnarled old tree on the other side of the shale expanse burst into flames, long dead bark eaten up by hungry tongues of yellow and red. "Yeah, yeah, I'm workin' on it." She griped, soft southern affliction contrasting sharply with her harsh vocals. Mismatched gems rolled upward, then she resumed her search. Flicking her tail irritably, she scoured the mountainside.

Another little cranny in the mountainside, much larger than her, but infinitesimal in comparison to the titan shadow of the mountain. Plodding inside, she discovered a cavern that led into what seemed like an abyss. Probably an old lava tunnel, and she couldn't help but be curious. Maybe later, though. Alabaster toes skimmed delicately over the stone floor, fearing rocks and stalagmites, all the while waiting for her eyes to adjust to the light. The further she got from the entrance, the warmer it was, and she felt delighted. Based on the mouldy grasses lingering in the furthest corner, she suspected that this might have been someone else's hideaway. She brushed them aside with one paw, and scratched at the collected sand on the floor. It would do in a pinch, as most things tended to with her. Yawning widely, she slumped heavily into the divot in the floor. It had been a long day, and she could use some sleep. Of course, as she was so helpfully reminded by the shuddering of the walls, it might not be easy with the storm raging just outside. Frowning, she settled her dainty crown between her paws and pulled her tail close to her nostrils. No risk getting cold with that ever shifting wind outside. Her eyes slowly fell shut, and she sighed heavily. Bones settling and mind drifting, she wondered if anyone was looking for her. Hopefully, Bacchus was looking for her. He would be the only one at this point, if at all. Though she loved her adoptive parents as dearly as the ones who had borne her, she knew better than to assume they would neglect their flesh and blood babes to continue an exhausting hunt for their missing addition to the brood.

She'd given up believing mama Vi was looking her in her youth. Her crimson furred parent was long gone, and would probably never show her face again. Millicent could be anywhere, and she hadn't appeared at all during the trip. Perhaps mama Des had taken her with her..
