
Let's adventure!

Talon I


4 Years
06-04-2013, 07:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2013, 07:42 AM by Talon I.)
As Talon grew older, he was beginning to realize he was different from others. He hadn't quite internalized that he was necessarily missing something, but he knew that most of the wolves he'd ever seen in Seracia had four legs and he only had three, and a stub that never seemed like it would have any use at all. Perhaps one day he would find the courage to ask his parents about why he didn't have that leg that his sisters did, but that day was not within reach quite yet.

Luckily, as he wandered through the forest with Misty, he had little time to consider such things. His mind reeled as they made their way over thick tree roots and climbed over mossy logs. It took most of his energy to keep up with her, and his tiny legs already began to feel the stress of movement as he went. He would grow tired if they walked for a long time, but he knew if he asked, she would wait for him.

But the duo came to a stop much quicker than he had expected to. The noise he'd heard nearby was, in fact, another wolf. A pup. Silver eyes widened with surprise she she bounded near with little hesitation. She was small, like him, but certainly very pretty. The silvery markings spread over her face and back reminded him of his mom's own fur. His tail began to wag behind him in delight at meeting another wolf their age, his delight written plainly on his face, lips spreading into a grin.

But... Mom had warned about strangers! Even if they looked nice, it didn't mean they were. Talon nearly opened his jaws to protest softly, but before he could let out even a squeak, the female leapt forward, almost as though inviting them to play. But the words she spoke meant nothing at all to him, and he wrinkled his nose in confusion.

"Maybe she says stuff different than we do," he suggested, as though he'd made some sudden, great discovery.