
Subtle Lives



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-16-2013, 09:22 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2013, 09:22 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's vivid blue gaze danced over the boy, noting his handsome appearance. She could appreciate his attractiveness, even though she was very much infatuated with Maverick. Their last meeting hadn't gone particularly well anyway, and she wouldn't mind a distraction from the confusion that plagued her mind.

Her own features were graced with a delicate smile; her posture dripped of confidence, her head held high on her small shoulders. Though he might not know of the Adravendis, she was unwilling to make the male forget her name.

She knew very little of the Glaciem pack, so she would not condemn him for his ignorance, for she was just as uninformed. Perhaps she should visit them in the near future, once news was given that an alliance had been settled upon. "Is Gargoyle your Alpha?" Epiphron inquired with genuine curiosity, shifting on her haunches slightly.

He returned her question, and the female's forehead furrowed slightly as she fought to find an answer. Truthfully, she was attempting to run away from her thoughts, but failing very miserably. The girl swore Maverick's scent was still heavy in her nose, his touch lingering on her from their meeting the day before. "I guess I just needed to be alone," she started, but then realized how terrible that sounded. Of course, she wasn't alone now -- and she didn't want Genesis to feel as though she wanted him gone. "I mean... away from my family for a bit. I have a lot on my mind these days, I suppose." Eos had returned, and she had heard rumors of Neo's return, though didn't have the mind the ask if they were true. She desperately missed the days when things were easier, and for a second she was reminded of vague memories of being curled against her mother and siblings, kept warm and safe at night. Growing up certainly had its benefits, but she couldn't help but feel nostalgic for simpler days.