
What Dawn Brings


12-14-2015, 09:40 PM

Allen would blink with surprise as Alna suddenly paused, tapping his nose with her paw. She was alright? But that yelp! He would frown deeply, furrowing his brow as he gazed down at his pup. The little troublemaker... What was he going to do with her? Such a ploy, whether a game or not, had scared him. “I know what you were planning, Alna, but... You need to understand that crying out in false pain can cause others to not believe you when there really is a time you are. It shoots down your credibility.”

Allen would give a lick to Alna’s head. Oh his little daughter... She truly hadn’t realized what she had done would have such an effect. It made his heart ache at her innocence. She and Noen were both truly such wonderful little ones. He was blessed to have them.

As the subject changed to fishing and talk Allen had to wonder what his little one wanted to speak with him about. “Sure. Let’s go to the water.” Allen would offer, starting off at an easy pace.

“What are you up to, my daughter?”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah