
To whom may hear



2 Years
12-14-2015, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2015, 12:00 AM by Alna.)


Would they be ok if their father was in a different pack even if that meant they could come back? Alna would grumble a little at the question. She wouldn't be ok with that even in the slightest, "Uncle why would you even entertain that idea why even ask me and my brother that? has this spat between you still not come to a end what are we supposed to do in the meantime just go back and do nothing are we suppose to hope our pa doesn't succumb to the natural end of old age before you two patch things..." Where did that come from was it really escaping from her own maw. The feeling caused her ears to pin back and tail to become tucked between her legs and a whine would escape her. What if her father really did pass on before him and uncle Bass patched things up perhaps this would be the best time to maybe expedite the two patching things up however it would take some finesse and some luck that which wouldn't be required if she were a bit older.

No time like the present to get it out of the way as Alna would breath in and then out before speaking up with her tail still tucked between her legs and ears pinned back, "I'm sorry for my outburst uncle perhaps after a little while I'll come back out here and do what I can to help you two become friends again... perhaps show you that me and En have grown not just by our form but by how we act... I guess I overstepped my boundaries of what I could say... I'll go now uncle Bass just know I'll always care about you too but I have to look out for my father and make up for the time I have lost with him dealing with everything that has been going before its his time to go". Tears would begin to roll down her cheeks as she would dwell on the thought of what she would do if her father passed. What would happen with their mother? she was already not doing so well as she was too cracking under the pressure of everything.

Something else came to mind that she wanted to ask, "Uncle Bass I know I don't want to live here without my ma and pa along with En and my friend Holly but would it be alright if I came and trained with you all every so often if I ever come out here when I get the free time to do so? can we at least come to some sort of agreement that lets me and En come visit you more often if we're not able to all come back yet?" that was her last question for now as she moved over to her brother's side and pressed her face into En's side. Alna hoped that Noen would contribute to what could be done so they could still see Bass after all he was also apart of their family even if their father and uncle were still fighting.
