
The birds are getting older


12-15-2015, 05:38 PM

Éponine knew that talking was hard on Razor. She wasn’t necessarily ignorant to his conditions, she just longed to spend time with her brother. The girl would pad along slowly through the Gully, with Razor at her side, back to the den that they shared for now. It was not a place of memories, as the first had been, yet Ép didn’t mind it so much. Perhaps because there were so many different herbs here for her sister to have access too. She tried to look on the bright side of things, even when it was hard to do so.

On their way back Razor would mention one thing. Their aunt Amalia was a healer? “Really? I didn’t know that.” The girl would say softly. But how her brother’s tone was she assumed that he was rather impressed with her abilities. Was she more skilled than their mother had been? Ép would feel a tug at her heart. She... Didn’t want to think of anyone being better than her parents at anything. But it was clear that there was always someone out there that was better.

“Razor?” Éponine would ask softly as they reached the den, curling up beside him. “Thank you for being there for me.” Éponine would set her head across his back, hugging him close. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t wanna. You can just listen. I’m just... Glad that you’re here.”
