
When Biting is Not Enough


12-15-2015, 10:35 PM

He felt her leg give under his tugging paw, but he wouldn't take the time to celebrate the minor victory. He'd quickly pull his injured paw back toward him, hearing her paw smack back down onto the hard ground where his paw had been. He made sure to keep his weight balanced on his other three legs with his tail out even with his spine to help with his balance. This was all moments before his forehead hit solidly against the side of her head, right under her ear. His head ached from the impact as well and he was sure there would be a bruise across his forehead from the maneuver, but it seemed to stun her a bit so he considered the extra bit of pain on his part worth it. He hadn't realized how long it had been since he had be in a real fight. Not just a fight to get what he wanted but a real, going for blood fight. He was loving every second of it.

With his other stresses firmly put out of his mind and his full attention focused on this fight, he collected himself to reset his defenses while she recoiled from his skull smashing into hers. His paws of course remained an equal distance apart and his toes were spread and nails biting into the dirt. He still kept the majority of his weight on his three uninjured paws, but he did put his front left paw back on the ground, gritting and bearing the pain it brought just so he could have a more stable base. His neck evened back out with his neck once again with his aching shoulders rolled forward to bunch his scruff around his neck with his raised hackles. His chin tucked down over his throat and his lips pulled up in a vicious snarl around his gritted teeth. His ears stayed pinned down against his skull with his eyes narrowed and knees bent slightly.

She wouldn't give him more than a moment of reprieve however and soon enough he saw her rushing in to bite at his neck. He quickly bent his right front leg, making the right side of his body drop down just enough to angle the top of his neck toward her open jaws, but keep the lower portion of his neck out of her path. This caused him to have to put more weight on his left front paw, pulling a low growl out of him, but that was forgotten when her teeth latched onto the top part of his scruff. He was glad that he had made sure to bunch up his scruff just moments before, giving her a mouth full of his thick fur and skin rather than bone. He could feel her teeth slicing into his skin and knew his scruff would be a bloody mess when this was all over.

He took advantage of the lowered position his evasive move had given him and pulled himself back to his full height all at once while shoving his weight toward her, causing his body to move in a slight right diagonal toward her. He wanted to use his own neck to push against her jaws and stretch her lower jaw to a painful point to make her let go. He also wanted to shove his right shoulder into her right shoulder in the same move, wanting to aggravate the bruise he had left there at the beginning of their fight. He honestly didn't care about the pain or what injuries he was causing himself at this point. His adrenaline was running so high and his heart was pounding so loud in his ears that he barely felt any of it anyway.

Gethin vs Mercy for Spar
Round: 3 of 3

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