
Maybe Maybe



3 Years
12-15-2015, 10:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Concern lingered for a moment as Miksa got his first good look at Varda since their separation with the disbandment of their pack. She seemed overall well, standing on all four feet and looking much the same as he remembered her being last. Only, if he was being honest, she did look altered. She was slimmer, likely a product of being left alone and fending for herself all this time. There was also a noticeable desperation within her mismatched eyes, as if she might have been second guessing his presence and hoping he truly was there before her. He hardly knew how to interpret it let alone what he ought to say to her, but she did not give him another chance to speak or react.

With only a quick assurance spoken, she raced toward him, surprising him yet again. He looked on with a blank sort of expression as she rushed over and embraced him openly and unabashedly, not fully comprehending what she intended until it happened. For a startling second, Miksa tensed, his yellow eyes blinking perplexedly. For all the closeness he might have had with the packs throughout his meager years, he had grown used to the distance that they all kept physically, standing with them and yet apart as his own person. Varda blurred those lines now, reminding Miksa of how he imagined someone sought comfort from their family, and the change was wholly unexpected to him.

But he thought he knew how to respond after he had taken a second to get over the initial shock. Hoping to soothe and provide whatever comfort it was that the white girl with the brown markings needed, Miksa schooled his own disquiet and returned her embrace, letting his neck curl over hers and hold her beside him. He hoped silently he was performing the gesture correctly, tucked his tan ears to his head as he tried in vain to peek at her from the corner of his yellow eyes, but could hardly tell how she was receiving it other than that she stayed there. "I didn't think I'd see you again," he murmured softly, "or anyone, really." It was mostly experience talking - Glaciem had disappeared without a trace from right beneath his nose. It would have been foolish for him to think Threar would be different. " seen anyone else?" It was hard for him even to speak it, to suggest that the rest of the pack was truly gone, but perhaps Varda's experiences had been less lonely than his own had been.

OOC: Omg, so sorry for the wait! D; School got in the way, still trying to catch up.