
Never Far Away



5 Years
12-16-2015, 12:21 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

As she often did, especially now, Anais lay curled and tucked against Glacier's large, protective form, nestled against him for comfort and warmth. Winter was upon them, but she hardly felt it snuggled up beside her mate, so content and at peace. The knowledge of their future litter growing in her belly had only drawn them closer as a couple, further solidifying their relationship and how much they meant to each other. Feeling his chest move beside her with each restful breath, she silently waited for sleep, expectantly anticipating the fluttery movement within that signified the life she carried, life that would very soon, she imagined, enter the world and begin their own lives properly. Thoughts of the safety they would all share inside of the pack calmed any nerves she might have felt, and the gentle love she held for her growing family accompanied her as she drifted into slumber, her sleeping expression relaxed and at peace.

For a while, she slept soundly, peacefully, but eventually was drawn into a dream. As she stood, still in her current state of pregnancy, she blinked her yellow-gold eyes and looked to either side around her, feeling a sense of familiarity. These trees... I know these trees. Had she been here before? Explored this snowy forest at some point? She sensed that she must have, sensed a safety and comfort about the place that made her instantly feel at home. In the distance, she could hear a quiet rushing noise, a sound she recognized as rapids rolling over rocks, and suddenly she knew. The forest, the river... This was her old home!

Unexpectedly excited, the golden brown hunter leaped forward into an easy run, smiling as she went. Yes, she knew this place, had explored these forests and the riverbanks so often she felt she could navigate through them even with her eyes closed. Even after all her time away, she still felt confident in her ability to traverse the territory, and to prove it she did so, carving a path through the woods and toward the river. She was closing in, she knew it, could hear it as the sound of the river grew louder and louder. Laughing aloud to herself, she continued to bound through the snow and trees and then skidded to a stop as she reached the edge of the churning waters. This is it. The Rio Grande. Smiling brightly to herself, Anais glanced along the length of the swift moving river, feeling strangely at peace here despite being away for so long.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.