
A Feast to Celebrate



5 Years
12-16-2015, 01:07 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Returning from a successful mission, Gale had allowed herself a couple days to recoup. Not that her travels had been incredibly stressful or trying on her, but it did feel nice to be back home, to see the familiar faces of her siblings, and be able to dictate how she spent her time now. Border patrols had been taken up again, though were ran through quickly just to allow her more free time, time that she had begun to spend lazily. Only a day or two, the petite grey wolf warned herself, and then right back to the usual schedule. That was all she needed, right?

She was in the middle of one of her speedy patrols on the far side of the beach when she heard the howl. It startled her enough to make her stop in her tracks and pause to listen, and immediately she was indecisive. Oh, but she was almost done with her patrol. Once she finished it, she would be able to go nap in the den and then bother one of her sisters so she could recount her adventures to someone that was not Glacier. But it was Anais... Her brother's little ray of Sunshine had always struck her as reserved and a little shy. It was not often that she called out to them, for any reason. He'll want us to go, Gale reasoned, and sighed to herself. Free time would have to wait.

Giving in, she turned away from the far border and raced for the line between the pack's two territories, the location she had heard the call originate from. As she approached the gathering, she realized she was not the first to arrive. Locha and Solaris were there, as was Glacier. Go figure. Despite her preference to be elsewhere, Gale donned her typical carefree smile and wagged her wispy tail in greeting to her family and acquaintance. "Hope I'm not late," she remarked, making her way amid the group and stopping beside her blue-tinted sister. Was she the last to arrive? Jeez, she hoped she was not interrupting. "Whatcha called us together for, Sunshine?"