
Maybe Maybe



4 Years
12-16-2015, 03:46 AM

In those moments of their embrace, she closed her eyes and shuddered as if releasing her loneliness. He was actually beside her, holding her. It definitely brought her comfort as she inhaled his scent over and over again, focusing on the feeling of their intermingled fur. Yes, she finally felt safe. "I didn't think I'd see you either," she sighed. Through the vibrations she could tell he felt a little tense and uncertain about their greeting. Perhaps she had been a bit rash - sudden with her actions. Embarrassed, she sought to peel herself away from his form at the right moment - not too long though not quickly either. "I-I'm sorry," she murmured, staring into his yellow gaze before looking at the ground, heat flooding to her cheeks. "I don't know what's gotten into me." She had changed; this past season on her own had altered her mind. She had grown more impulsive, doing whatever popped into her mind. Could she reverse? Could she return to the previous Varda? It didn't seem likely, not unless her life returned to its former state, and that wasn't happening either.

He asked if she had seen anyone else, and when she had heard those words, her heart sank. Oh, right, there was the rest of Threar still a mystery. She couldn't win; there was always going to be a dark cloud hanging over her. "No," she confessed, shaking her head. Why did it feel like she had failed? Had she tried hard enough to find her family? Perhaps the mission had grown tedious at times, and she was equally careless when she couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Her expectations had been held high for she had pictured finding every member of her fallen pack and restoring Threar to its former glory. You haven't failed, she told herself. In fact, you've succeeded. You found a familiar face. The voice in her head was right. She had found someone, and that was just perfect. She had run through the darkness of that tunnel, blind and hoping until, in the end, she found a faint glimmer of light. Miksa was that light, shining ever so brightly. "Have you? Have you seen..?" Her voice faded as she choked on her words, imagining the two wolves she desperately wanted to see. Although she was an adult, it didn't mean she couldn't yearn for her parents.
