
One foot on the narrow way , and one foot on the ledge



6 Years
12-16-2015, 11:01 AM
Voltage was surprisingly busy. Obsessively so. He sat before his pretty rock collection, shuffling them. He had dusted them off, spent his trip to the beach finding new ones to add to his collection. He licked off the dirt, and piled them meticulously, starting over every time they tumbled. He kept himself busy while his mind spun, a strange light to his eyes that he hadn't had in so long. He hardly noticed when Glace scratched at his door, and it was only the scent of fresh kill that caused him to turn his head, a rock settled between his teeth. Stormy eyes, not nearly as distant, stared at him before he promptly dropped his rock and stood, turning towards him. There was no telling what changed, really. After a good night sleep at his sister's side, he had seem to hit a small reset button. His mind had caught up to his ailing body and heart, and he begun to feel again. At first it was like the air had been knocked from his lungs, and he had cried again. Then there was more anger, then finally an odd sort of acceptance.

Illie was gone but not forever. She was out there and goddamnit he was going to find her. But that meant...

He stared at his brother, unmoving as he stared. A guilt suddenly touched his face and he dropped his gaze, reaching back with his hind leg to knock over his pile, his distraction. And then...he smiled. A small, but sincere smile as he lifted his gaze back to his brother. "Whats eatin ya, Glace?" He asked with a toothy grin, stepping towards him again. He could tell, he could always tell. Stormy eyes squinted as he stared up at his massive brother before lips spread wide to show all of his teeth. "What's the news?" He asked then, knowing it had nothing to do with Illie. He could feel an oldness to this strange air Glacier had around him. He knew him well enough to know when he was keeping something from him. It was rare, but he knew it well. One brow bone rose slightly as he stared at his Big Brother, waiting for his news.

"Burn Baby Burn"