
Running [Ifrit]


04-16-2013, 02:15 PM

Dark eyes, gleaming like beacons, onyx and dark held his own, even stretching out on her hind limbs, it took almost all of her body to match his impressive height, but she was feeling freed this morning, like nothing and no one could bring her down. She had not felt so light in a long time, and he just happened to be the poor bastard who had stumbled upon her this day. He would have to endure her bout of playfulness. Poor sod. She almost felt bad for the male, he struggled so much with anything that wasn't "plunder, pillage and death." She had a split second to ponder if this was the best of ideas, but alas, sometimes... she just needed a play mate.

His ears pinned back against his cranium and his eyes took of a bewildered look of shock. For a moment, she thought him to be broken. A deer caught in the proverbial headlights, but then he slid away from her and she slumped back to the sand, watching him carefully. Understanding blossomed in his gaze followed by something much more carnal... violent. Well crap... that wasn't good now was it? No... she would not leave him here, she was trying to teach him, trying to show him there were things in life aside from death and a will to conquer, he was her pack mate and her friend and no matter how dark of a look... she trusted him. Taking only a moments more of hesitation, she bolted. her legs, still a touch wobbly from her hard run, ate the ground beneath her, quickly regaining their rhythm, a smile grew across her maw despite herself and laughter chased from her larynx, it really had been too long since she had played with anyone... she just hoped this wouldn't end in disaster.