
When the going gets tough



7 Years
12-19-2015, 01:39 AM

Amalia was so busy with her nose in the earth that she didn't smell the stranger enter the area, nor did she pick up any sounds of her at all. So when a voice cut through the silence the small woman let out a soft yelp, leaping back with her heart hammering in her chest. Deep blue eyes soon fell on the spotted woman, her russet face calming down right away. Ah, goodness. That was a heart attack and a half! A soft laugh left her black lips at the strangers words, tiny head shaking back and forth. "No, no! Of course not. Its just cold and flu season, is all. I've got a whole pack of hooligans to look after and my supply of bonset has dropped dangerously low." Her gaze fell down to the rotten log that the woman was pawing through, head tilting to the side. "And what on earth are you doing, miss? Its not often that I see a woman getting down and dirty in grubs." Amalia said with another laugh. The tiny woman noticed the magpie that was sitting on the log with the woman, and very, very close to her. Huh, a friend, perhaps?

Soon another voice broke through the silence, or relative silence with all the bird calls echoing around them. Ears flickered as her head whipped around, and then up, at the man who spoke. Amalia was used to being shorter than everyone else, but he was a pretty big boy! And very.... well, pretty! He looked like a burning sun, bright oranges and yellow adorning his coat. Realizing that she was staring, she shook her head back and forth, an ever pleasant smile on her maw. "Yes, bonset." she answered softly, pulling her rump to the earth so that she sat before the two strangers. The boy would introduce himself, and she was quite impressed at his manners. "My my, your mother must have taught you well, Ankaios! Of course you may join us, if this miss doesn't mind as well." she said, blue gaze drifting over to the spotted one who had not yet shared her name. "My name is Amalia, and you were good to spot the bonset, Ankaios. Are both of you interesting in the art of healing?" Amalia asked, drawing two and two together. Not just anyone could spot an herb like that, and with the other woman digging in the log she thought that she had to be looking for something.

The dame was about to move on to ask if they wanted to study together, when her eyes landed on an even larger man. "I think you are all destined to make me feel tiny!" she said with a little squeak, dark blue gaze resting on the pale man. He seemed... rather stunned by something, and she eyed their little gathering of misfits. "What, never seen a tiny woman with herbs before?" She said in a teasing manner, coming out more like a mothers scorn than anything else. Amalia tilted her head towards their gathering, inviting him over. "Are you interested in joining out little party? I was thinking now that we are all here, and if we all hold the same interests, why don't we teach each other a few things? I don't think that there is ever a bad time to learn some more about healing." She said with a grin, patting the earth in front of her with her front paw for everyone to join her. "I am sure we each have our own specialties and interests, me for instance. I have been studying not only normal healing of wounds, but I also hold an interest in children and the best way to heal them as well, as well as trying to heal any ailments while they are within the womb. I would love to see the amount of stillborn pups drop, and it is what I have devoted myself to." There was a touch of sadness in her vocals. But no time for that! She offered a smile to the others gathered there, leaving the floor to them.
