
an icebound wonder



4 Years
12-19-2015, 12:52 PM

Integra's gaze would lock with the strangers bi-colored eyes and they'd stare at each other for a moment before the woman would greet her. She would dip her own head in greeting her nose analyzing the woman's scent and pin-pointing her as one of Abaven's wolves. That wasn't surprising so close to their homeland but she did find it rather ironic that of all the wolves she'd manage to run into it would be one from Abaven. The stranger introduced herself as Harmony a healer of Abaven confirming what Integra's nose had informed her. Well… at least she hadn't seen this one traipsing through Imperium's packlands without asking and Integra had to admit she was curious if the Abaven healer's were really as good as the rumors would make her believe. Imperium was strapped for healers, there was no doubt about that, but she was learning and so was Vana and she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Of course… if this woman was worth her salt.

Integra would allow herself to relax a bit and once again she nodded. "Yes, I'm Integra Armada a Medica, or healer, of Imperium. Are you out herb gathering?" She tried to make small talk, uncertain how much she should tell and how much she should listen. "I thought I might hunt for some wintergreen here… I don't suppose you know where any might grow in this location?" It wouldn't hurt to ask a local Wintergreen was a rare herb but it was one she felt might impress her friend and so she was keeping an eye out for it though she'd gather more common herbs she came across as well such as juniper.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]