
a þing of splendor

Katja the First


8 Years
12-19-2015, 03:19 PM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2015, 07:51 AM by Katja the First.)
Her pack gathered before her, from the eldest to the youngest. Laufey's concubine greeted her, the daughter by her side, and Katja tilted her head in acknowledgement, sent a mild warning glance sliding over Stori as he argued with his half-sister. Her gaze rested a moment on Laufey as he maneuvered between his pups before a quarrel could break out, and she nodded to him. She thought he might be proud to have been chosen as the vessel of a god, that the god might sire children upon Midgard, and she felt it a more than justifiable pride. Hani the thrall slipped in sulkily, earning a chilly glance from the alpha, but she had at least appeared. Inga drew her attention, flanked by the mismatched pair of ravens that Katja regarded with superstitious wariness. She dipped her head respectfully. "I bid you well come, Ferðar Hugins.". Last of all came her cousin Kapra with excitement in his very bearing - she had of course told him of her pregnancy, and what had occurred after she left his side that night.

"There is much to discuss," she cut into the murmur of voices greeting each other. She sat straight and proud, meeting each set of eyes in her pack. Much indeed. "Before we begin I have announcements to be made. Firstly - The pack is far too scattered over our territory for safety or for community. It will not do. I will have all wolves of Yfir den here in the gorge, to protect our young and to mingle with one another nightly. It is not right that we would see each other only once a season when I call a thing. Secondly - We have a wolf that has been missing for some time now. Vereux Armada has not appeared to any training, nor has he been seen nor smelled in pack lands for many months. I wish you all to keep an eye out for any sign of him, dead or alive, and spread the word among the packs and loners that we are seeking him. Whether he has passed into the next world or turned traitor, we must know that we may grieve - or seek vengeance."

She paused to settle herself, then continued with her most important announcements. "Now - The gods have in their wisdom chosen to mingle their blood with ours, to strengthen further generations of our pack. The blood of the Finnvi, touched by the gods themselves. I bear the children of Odin!" Her declaration was proud, fierce, fanatical, as she declared her pregnancy to the pack that would raise them, but her sharp voice mellowed to a softer steel. "There will be changes made. We are growing larger as a pack. In other packs you might find it... difficult, to find the opportunity to progress to greater prestige when a pack grows. That will not be so. Yfir is, as always, a meritocracy above all else. If you have the skill, you should not find it impossible to find a rank that suits you. To that end I will allow for three separate bands within Yfir, with three separate Stallari to lead them. Each will be allowed a lead warrior, and a lead healer. Each will be supported by their own warriors, their own healers, their own hunters. Their own priests." She nodded decisively. Yfir had gone without quite long enough. "This will allow room for you to progress, even if there are many others who vie for your coveted position.

"As is customary at any þing, I invite any who wish to gain rank to now step forth and state their intentions to be tested. All physical challenges for rank, all testing, will wait for the end of the þing, before we feast. For now, however -"

She cast her gaze out, caught Laufey's, and then Stori's, invitingly. "If there are any among the children who believe they are ready to progress, to seek training in a field and be assigned a mentor, speak now." And to the group as a whole, "And any who seek redress for a grievance, or wish to make a statement to the pack... now is your time."

OOC: First of all, sorry for the crappiest meeting post ever that I probably forgot half of what I had planned out to say. Secondly, I expect everyone to post here at least one more time, though with the holidays the deadline will not be until January 3rd. Anyone wanting to move out of their current rank must state what rank they want, and after the 3rd will be fighting for it (unless it's a healer or priest... I'll figure it out then! stay tuned). I might be replying a few times before the 3rd just to allow the meeting to progress at a natural pace and not have everything backed up, but I don't expect anyone else to if they don't want to.

Edited to add: I forgot much of what I'd intended to say in this post so I edited it in. Feel free to edit any posts after this one if need be. Sorry!