
Come Take Me Higher


12-19-2015, 04:13 PM

Fate could work in ways both good and bad, Hakku found. Things could sometimes work well for an individual, and other times not so well. Hakku would close his mint green eyes, feeling his heart give an ache. So much had happened since he’d last seen his dear sister. He remembered the day he had been out hunting with Cypress, how quickly everything had gone downhill. He would breathe in slowly, shakily, trying to shake the memories from his mind. But they just wouldn’t disappear.

When Hakku opened his eyes again it was to an approaching figure. A male of autumn tones, though richer. White however was the only other color to mark his coat. The fox-like male would dip his head respectfully to the man who had appeared, offering a sad smile.

“Hakku Hutashi is my name, sir.” By how the other carried himself he seemed to be an alpha of sorts. “Excuse me... You wouldn’t happen to know what had happened to Sonticus, would you?” But, even as the question left his lips, along came another.

She was a woman dressed in black, silver flecking upon her coat. Her voice was not as warm, nor as inviting. Hakku would address her in kind however, dipping his head respectfully to the femme as well. “Indeed I am, miss. It seems that the pack I was once part of has up and vanished, and my sister, their alpha, with it.” Hakku would lift his head.

“As I’ve asked this gentleman here, I was wondering if he might know what became of Sonticus, or you, if you have any idea.”
