
While Shepherds Watched their Flocks



7 Years
12-19-2015, 04:41 PM

Kassander was miserably unhappy in Abaven. Away from his pack, away from everyone he'd ever known, and useless. He'd been under the impression that Abaven had a lack of healers and he'd be needed to train them - but immediately after his arrival an Abaven healer had called a training meeting of his own, and it wasn't long after that Abaven had gone to war with another pack Kassander wasn't familiar with and, knowing that Katja would not have approved of his getting involved in Abaven's conflicts, Kassander had remained behind. Useless, off balance, and depressed. It was only Rommel, and the drugs Kassander was still furtively using, that kept him from going under entirely. Svetlana was in Fiori - Kassander had spoken with the alpha there, so very briefly. Yet she'd never sought him out, knowing he was there... His heart ached, and he'd never felt so alone in his life. Either the alpha had never told her that he was there... or she knew and chose not to see him. He had never gone to Fiori, in the seasons he'd been here, because... he didn't want to find out which it was. Svetlana had walked away from him more than once, it was only too easy to imagine that she'd done it again, and it crushed him.

He'd bided his time in Abaven, quiet, aloof, and utterly alone but for Rommel, spending his time collecting herbs to leave anonymously for the Abaven healers, and hunting small game to leave equally anonymously at the dens of sleeping wolves. He didn't want to interact with them, for them to stare at him with mocking eyes and judge him for being unneeded and unwanted, but he'd still given his word to Bass that he'd stay in Abaven and help them. It was winter now, and time to return to Yfir, but he'd hesitated... still hoping Svetlana would seek him out. But nothing.

It was the call of another healer, an Abaven healer, that drew him out of his funk enough to acknowledge to himself that it was a hopeless cause. He would do his duty, attend this meeting and learn what he could, teach what he could, but as soon as it was over he was going to go find Bass and tell him. He was leaving - he was going to go home.

The auburn-pelted healer trudged beside his constant companion, ears flicking with surprise when he came upon the origin of the call. There was hardly anyone there, even though he had been slow to attend. Just a wizened older female and a bouncy, fluffy kid. Not a kid, he amended, his nose twitching at the faint stirrings of heat-scent in the younger healer. She didn't seem to really notice - did she know yet? He noticed. He dropped his gaze, embarrassed, but moved forward. The older healer had created an interesting setup, soft furs spread out for them to rest on, and he seated himself gratefully, Rommel taking another comfortable seat nearby to observe. Kassander kept his gaze firmly on the ground in front of his own white paws, just waiting for this to end so he could search out Bass.
