
Spreading Your Love From The Tip Of A Sword



9 Years
12-20-2015, 01:32 PM
Goddamnit!! He hissed, he swore, he shouted in his mind as the slippery snake slithered away from his attacks and everything missed. Useless, how incredibly stupid of him! A snarl tore through his throat as he ducked his head to protect his throat, narrow eyes sliding to the side to watch the strange man. Anger prickled along his skin, under his raised fur and hackles as he adjusted his stance. Legs remained at shoulder and hip length apart, the paw he had used in an attempt to trip the man returned to the earth, and his shoulders rolled up and back to protect his throat. It was instant, but it might have saved his jaw. He hadn't thought to move, why would he! He was standing up for his stupid little bird, but maybe he really wasn't very fight savvy after all. Instead, he got teeth puncturing moderately through the tender flesh just under his left eye, and the top fangs of his opponent clenched onto the top of his skull, leaving moderate lacerations, just before his ear before suddenly, the most pain he had ever felt errupted through his whole body, through his soul, through his storms as his opponent clenched his jaws. He suddenly roared, the scent of blood filling his senses as he would attempt to yank his head from the mans jaws just as the pressure began, hoping to save his eye and whatever else may be effected by the bite. He was blinded, hopefully by blood, his left eye closed tightly to try and protect it.

At the same time, a force thrust into his side, and he felt it vibrate through his shoulder, through his side, pain errupting through his side. A moderate bruise would form in the place the shoulder and chest hit, and his body was pushed to the side. Due to his leg returning to the earth in the time it took for Hare to move, his paw swipe did nothing more than scratch the outside of his left foreleg, leaving little pink lines but nothing more. He stumbled several steps to his right, trying to recover the balance and get away from those hungry jaws of the man. He would shake his head, trying to get the blood out of his eye to see. When his paws found purchase he would quickly pivot to his right, back paws shuffling to face the man head on again, so he could see him. Rage, anger, rose in him like a typhoon and he was blinded by red. Right eye narrowed, left remained closed, jaws wrinkled as his head ducked to protect his throat, ears pressing back. His shoulders remained rolled forward to protect the back of his throat, and his hackles remained raised, fur standing on end. Tail lashed out behind him as he massaged his toes and claws against the earth. He snarled deeply before he recoiled on his hind limbs and shot forward. He hoped the man wouldn't move again, but right now all he cared about was getting some flesh. Some blood. He attempted to side step to the left just before he hoped to make impact, keeping his injured eye on the outside of the attack. He aimed to roll his right shoulder forward, again, to thrust into the dead center of the man's chest, his own chest aiming to follow suite to try and use his forward momentum to push the man forward, and hopefully compromise his balance. His jaws swung wide, aiming to left, trying to grab a grip onto the soft flesh where jaw met neck. His lower fangs sought a grip just beneath Hare's right jaw bone, his upper fangs sought to pierce through the back of his neck, and he would aim to clench his jaw, to try and cause as much pain as possible. He was still in pain, it vibrated through him and he could feel his bloodied eye water in pain and that just made it worse. There was an extreme fear that it might just be blinded, and dear god if it was this man would pay. The rage whirled through his chest, threatening to suffocate him as he tried to give this man as much pain as he possibly could.

Arcus vs Hare
Rnd 2 of 2
For maim (half blinding in left eye)