
From one end to the other



6 Years
12-20-2015, 02:35 PM

He rushed. It was an odd thing, considering. Here was this man, his body nearly wasted away, bolting from one end of the beach to the other. His pace was broken, he stumbled often, but he kept moving. From one end of the beach, to the other, only stopping when something shiny caught his eye. He'd pick up the stone, move to his favorite rock and drop it there, before continueing on his pace. In the past few days, perhaps even a week, his pretty rock collection had doubled, had tripled, as he bounded from one end to the other. His paws kicked up sand that hand seen the sun in a thousand years, his lungs and chest heaved with breath as he moved. Never once did he touch the water, and for once his eyes weren't stuck on the waves. But he continued to move, to distract himself, to create a collection. He had felt this burst of energy a week ago. It awoke him from his sleep, how little and broken that was, and all he wanted to do was run.

So, he did.  

He had run for hours, for miles. Ran off the beach, reached the volcano and back again. He had run to places he had never seen, but didn't stop to see. He panted, his adrenaline keeping him going as his stamina waned before he got his second, third, fourth, fifth wind. He moved, fast, he bolted, he ran. He rushed, he tumbled. He cried, endlessly, sometimes with tears and sometimes with pants, sometimes just his soul cried as he ran.

But today, he ran in a contained way. Keeping his attention on his rocks, as the pile grew more and more and more. He could put any cheetah to shame. His paws bled, at times, as he pushed his withering body more and more and more but he didn't stop. Because if he stopped that would be it. He was running away from the thing that would break him, and he was running towards the thing that would keep him safe. What that was, he hadn't a clue.

It was instinctual, it was instant. But he continued to run until his body might finally give out. Perhaps he was a spectacle, perhaps his family would say he had finally gone mad, but he didn't care. For once, he didn't care. He just ran.

Running, that was all he was. His energy boundless, his breath endless, his adrenaline kept him going. From what, he hadn't a clue. But he kept going. Forever and for endless, he ran.
