
Put Your Guard Up



6 Years
Extra large

12-20-2015, 04:10 PM

Still shrieking madly Rhys carried on at a flat out run in the hopes of evading her brother's revenge. She was fairly confident in her ability to outpace him so the sudden slam against her left hip caught her off guard. Her laughter turned into a surprised gasp; the sudden blow was sure to leave a mild bruise across the meaty outside of her upper thigh. Without really meaning to Rhys let the slam spin her to the side. Instinctively she planted her forelegs as her rump was forced to her right - a move that would bring the pair into a loose 'L' shape with the meaty outside of Rhys' left shoulder lined up with the center of Rhyme's chest with roughly a foot and a half between them. This movement away from Rhyme meant that even though he managed to loosely snag the fur and skin behind Rhys' shoulders the blow was glancing and didn't last, and what he managed to grab was quickly pulled from his grasp. Rhys was left with a throbbing scruff that was sure to develop a mild bruise along the points of contact later.

She didn't like being startled, not one little bit! The attacks were enough to kill her giddy mischievousness and replace it with a need for revenge. With an angry squeal Rhys attempted to turn to face her brother head on. She didn't really have the presence of mind to think about the specifics of what she wanted, but she intended to line the center of her chest up with the center of Rhyme's chest.

Her hackles rose in agitation and her ears slicked back as her eyes narrowed to angry slits. She was gonna get him for that! Thankfully the defenses her daddy routinely went over with her were becoming second nature. Her tail rose to lay level with her spine and she adopted a slightly wider, slightly bent-kneed stance with ease. She splayed her toes and dug her nails into the ground.

Going rigid, she rocked back onto her hind legs so that her weight hung over and was equally distributed between them as her forelegs lifted off the ground. Rhys then attempted to lurch forward and wrap her forelegs around Rhyme's neck at the base of his skull. She wanted the left one to slide up the right side of his neck just below his jawline and the right one to slide up the left side of his neck just below his jawline. Hopefully the two limbs would scissor together behind his head and hold it in place.

With jaws parted in anticipation Rhys set her sights on her favorite target: his ears. She zeroed in on his left one and then went for it; lunging forward with the intention of grabbing the sensitive skin between her teeth and twisting it mercilessly. She wanted to make him squeal!

RHYS versus RHYME for DEFENSE OF CROP DUSTING (fart inspired dominance fight)
Round ONE of ONE