
Blue lips, Blue veins



6 Years
12-20-2015, 08:45 PM
He stumbled into faith and thought
"God this is all there is"
The picture in his mind arose
and began to breathe
And all the gods and all the worlds began colliding on a backdrop of blue

Blue lips, blue veins

Voltage was on the search. Perhaps for the first time in a very very long time he wasn't looking for his daughter (though his eyes would always been looking for her, his heart always yearning for her, his soul crying for her.) He moved with purpose and with ease over the territories, searching for his sister. She had refused to come back to the pack, for a reason he could understand. Oh, could he understand it. Lately he had felt it too, and that had terrified him. But unlike Serefina, he needed his siblings to survive. He needed their energy, needed..he...he needed...

With a sigh he hung his head at the lie he repeated over and over and over. No, well, yes. He did need his family, but perhaps not to the extent he had always assumed. The Elementas were meant to be from the same cloth...they were supposed to need and depend on each other. So why, why was it that when he needed them most...they weren't there. And those that were looked at him, and handled him like they had never met him.

All except Glacier and Serefina, they always knew how to patch up his wounds, how to handle his energy, how to keep him from going off the depend end in his array of emotions.

He sighed in the ocean air, keeping close to the waters incase he might see a sign of his daughter. It was counter productive, wasn't it. He was searching for his firey sister but he knew for a fact that she wouldn't be near the water, and yet he couldn't leave the ocean's side. There was a part of him that still dreamed she may raise from the waves and laugh it off like it was all a prank and they would be together again and everything would go back to being perfect.

But that would never happen, no.

With a sigh he continued to move, searching endlessly for those he sought, his tired eyes heavy, his muscles like lead. He had been running at a crazy pace for so long, and the only good that came out of it was that he had a larger rock collection. Now, he was tired, but he continued to move on swollen paws, his jaw set and his eyes narrowed. He had to find at least one of them.

"Burn Baby Burn"