
If you don't know, now you know



9 Years
Athena I
12-20-2015, 10:17 PM

ooc: EVERYONE needs to post here by DECEMBER 30th! I'm giving you a few extra days to post since it's the holidays. I'll reply again when everyone in the pack has posted or Dec. 30th, whichever comes first. If you do not post without already being on absence I will consider you character MIA and will remove them from the pack.

Leo made his way toward the center of the Mangroves where the pack usually held their meetings as he finished his afternoon patrol. His head was swarming with ideas and plans for the future, going over them all silently to himself to make sure he knew them all himself before he called everyone so he wouldn't forget to tell them anything. He had been planning on saving these announcements and changes for Spring, but with Svetlana pregnant he felt the need to expedite his plans a bit. Spring wasn't too far off, but waiting the few more weeks felt like he was cutting it too close. He wanted all of his firmly in place before his children arrived.

He settled onto his haunches in the clearing and raised his muzzle toward the sky to let out a howl, calling for everyone in the pack to join him. He had bounced many of his ideas off Svetlana of course so she would know much of what was to come, but he wasn't positive that he had told her that he wanted to put them into place sooner than later. He hadn't gotten a chance to speak to his mother about his ideas yet so he could only hope that she would agree. He still couldn't help the smile that came to his muzzle when she came to his mind. He glanced around the Mangroves, letting out a long breath to steady himself while he waited for everyone to arrive.

"Talk" "You" Think