
If you don't know, now you know

Bright Moon


6 Years
12-20-2015, 10:47 PM
Bright had been close by when she heard the call for a pack meeting. Leo's howl did not seem desperate, but his voice was strong and there was a firm urgency to it. He required the presence of all pack members as quickly as possible. The meek woman had merely been snuffling around for something to eat, so she abandoned her unimportant task and followed the sound of their leader's howl, heading toward the center of the Mangroves. Small, feminine paws carried her agilely over the uneven roots of the strangely shaped trees.

It was not long before she saw Leo's easily recognizable figure at the center of the territory, waiting for everyone to arrive. He must have something important to announce, or perhaps he had something to arrange with the pack. Since her arrival here, things had been fairly quiet, but then she supposed she'd been too shy to seek out activity. Maybe things were bubbling with more activity than she realized. But of course, she would find out soon enough when the meeting began. Realizing that she had paused in her stride and was standing awkwardly at a distance from Leo, she bounced forward and approached Fiori's leader.

As she neared, Bright dipped her dark muzzle, black ears tilting back in a respectful gesture, her posture low and submissive. It wasn't necessary, but it was part of who she was, and she would never hesitate to openly show deference to her leader. "Greetings Leo," she said softly, silver eyes glancing up at him, "Good to see you. I look forward to hearing the news you have to share with us." With that, she took several steps back and seated herself, waiting to see who else would appear soon, keeping her eye out for Arivae, hoping to see the friendly young woman again.