
Cry Me A River



5 Years
12-21-2015, 06:09 PM

It'd started as just the sniffles. The poor boy had stayed out just a little bit too long in the snow romping through it like a little hellion let off its leash. Ever since they were allowed outside Kharnage had taken advantage of enjoying it. At first it'd been really cold and it soaked him to the bone but it was all worth it to him. After a while he hardly noticed it anymore as he found things to amuse himself. The world was his playground and he was going to enjoy it and everything it had to offer. Granted the world consisted of the territory that belonged to Imperium, but it was still large for his small eyes.

He was young and he was naive though. The child could hardly fathom what evils the world had to offer ranging from the things that would enjoy feasting on his flesh to the bacteria and viruses that could easily attack his frail immune system. So as he stayed outside to his heart's content he was very much unaware of the sickness he was bringing upon himself and it hadn't taken long for the Pneumonia to work its way into his system. It wasn't long before the sniffles turned into his bones aching, coughing fits, a runny nose, the whole works.

Of course it didn't stop him from wanting to sneak out and explore. Or at least he'd attempted to. He hadn't made it far before he decided he was cold. He felt tired and lethargic so instead of going on the grand adventure he'd fantasized about in his head he plopped himself in the snow and whimpered instead beginning to wonder if he should have just stayed home curled up in the warmth of his den. Of course the thought didn't last long as a fit of coughing racked his small frame which then brought on thoughts of their sister Gnar. She'd been sickly too. Was he getting what she was getting? He didn't understand the complexity of it but he knew well enough that what had happened to her was bad. Worry then set in. Was he going to end up like her? Was he gonna die? He was too young to die!

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]