
Harder The Heart, Harder It Breaks



4 Years
Extra large
12-21-2015, 11:33 PM

The sleep idea had been a fairly good one though his choice of a bed wasn't exactly the greatest. He was already freezing and his bed in the snow wasn't exactly helping. Still he was tired and couldn't continue going so it worked. It hadn't taken long for him to fall asleep though the shivering didn't cease. Still sleep was sleep and that mattered for the exhausted youngster. He'd successfully managed to fall asleep hard enough not to hear the footsteps in the snowfall steadily approaching.

Lucky for him he wasn't a fox.

Unawares that a wolf thought him to be dinner he just slept where he was. It wasn't until he heard the whine of a wolf that he awoke. His eyes fluttered open quickly as the startled pup jerked his head upwards. He took in the large (well large to him) form of the female. She was brown which was a bit surprising to him. He was aware wolves were other colors but all of his family had been darker, though he definitely remembered his father talking about how Vengeance's mate, Felicity, had been brown as well.

He then noticed that her eyes were golden yellow as he stared up at her still feeling a bit groggy. He flicked his ears back nervously though. He didn't detect any threatening gestures from her body language, but he was concerned that he hadn't heard her coming. A soft whine left him as he watched her nervously.

"Where am I?" He asked softly.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: OLU8WZY.png]