
Oh no!


12-22-2015, 01:15 AM

It wouldn't hurt, at least not at first that is. She sent an urgent message to her eyes, Don't hurt. Any uncomfortable feelings could be stopped, however, with snow. At the hearing of it she furiously started shaking her head, ignoring the last part of her mother's words. No, snow was bad. She didn't want anything cold touching her skin, and at this point preferred pain over snow.

Listening intently to the woman's explanation, she leaned in closer, a look of fascination upon her features. Wow, berries actually had names, like her but not as pretty as the name Diana. They could do so much too, like fight off ouchies, and that was cool. She never thought plants could do so much...they were just plants! When her mother mentioned the icky taste of the berries, the girl instantly could relate to it. In fact, she could still taste them in her mouth before smacking her lips at the thought of something sweet, like this honey that mother spoke of. Next was dandelion, of which the root had been chewed to create a paste to be later rubbed below her eye. It seemed to grow everywhere, even in the winter so it didn't mind the snow. Oh my! How  did her mother know so much? "I'll never be as smart as you," she huffed with sigh, flopping onto her haunches.

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