
Blue lips, Blue veins



6 Years
12-22-2015, 08:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:27 AM by Voltage.)

He took a step but then felt tired
he said "I'll rest a little while"
But when he tried to walk again
He wasn't a child

Voltage was jolted from his rumination, his eyes slightly wider as a force bumped, gently, into his side. He stumbled just slightly to the side before he caught himself and turned his suprised gaze to his sister. He was mildly shocked that he hadn't noticed her approach, hadn't noticed that she had stepped up. He always knew where she was, was always so in tune with her that he could find her if she were lost in a forest fire, blending into the powerful licking flames. A small smile would easily find its way onto his lips, not quite making it to his eyes. There was always a part of his mind that was on his daughter, on the loss he felt, and there always would be. Voltage was, at best, fractured. A part of his very soul was lost to the ocean that day, and he felt he would never find it again.

He laughed softly, shaking his head slightly. "Perhaps I'm not..." He said softly, tilting his head to his sister again. "I...I have a hard time leaving the ocean side, you must understand it." He said softly, looking at the water again before he sighed. What was on his mind? Well...what wasn't… Wasnt it easy to guess?

"Current hasn't been home in a week..." He said softly then, the anxiety starting to rise again. "I think she went out to find her...but without a word, Sere? I'm so...terrified that ive lost both of them." His brows had furrowed then as he worked the earth with his paws, clenching and unclenching his jaw. He missed his little girls. His eyes closed then before he promptly stopped and sat.

"I'm so tired, Serefina. My soul is so exhausted. I feel like I could sleep a year and it wouldn't help." there was so much weighing on him, so much he put upon himself. "I'm starting to think of things I had never thought before...and I'm so terrified. I feel so alone, I've never...felt alone before." It was true, he had felt loneliness, he had felt longing and had missed so dearly...but he had never felt alone.

With a sigh he'd look at his paws, before looking back at the water. "Glacier and Anais are having children. I'm happy for them but I feel chapter in our family and with the pack is coming to a close." Perhaps.…perhaps it was time for Donostrea to have a sister as a leader. Or a wife.…

"Burn Baby Burn"