
Oh the places you'll go



5 Years
12-23-2015, 12:42 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Zephyra's childlike shriek brought out a sudden, humorous laugh from her aunt as the golden brown wolf raced behind her niece, grinning from ear to ear. This was wonderful. It had been some time since she had dealt with children of this age, since her baby brother had been this size. Too long, really. Childhood had been a memorable time in her life, full of adventure and fun and play, all things she wanted to share with other children if it was in her power to do so. And with Zephyra - and Nixie and Kaitlyn, and she supposed with the boy-child that had been mentioned too - she had that opportunity. They were family; what better excuse did she need?

After spotting her, the young green-marked girl put even more effort into her stride, and Anais could see that she was doing her best to maintain her lead. It worked, she was happy to realize. The stagnant pace the girl had settled into at first changed, and the distance between almost stopped shrinking. So she had more in her to race that final stretch? Lemon-gold eyes alight as she smiled, Ani stretched her own gait a little more, gaining ground but recognizing it would not be enough. That suited her just fine. It was more fun when the kids won fair and square anyway. She'll love those bragging rights.

To keep it fair, she did not slow down even though she saw her own chances of victory shatter as Zeph crossed into the boundary outside of the den, Anais skidding to a stop just a moment after. She smiled, bright and delighted, as she stared down at her niece, chuckling over the girl's antics while she wriggled upon the ground. "That was some race," Anais commented once she had stopped laughing, "I thought I was going to get you at the end." And it had been close, purposefully, but she was sure that only made the victory sweeter. "I bet you'll be even faster when you're a little bigger," she added, and believed it. If she was already a little bullet on four clumsy pup paws, she would certainly be a contender once her long legs came in.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.