
Maybe Maybe



4 Years
12-23-2015, 02:53 AM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2015, 02:54 AM by Varda.)

A frown moulded into her features as he apologised. Apologised? What for? Oh, was it for failing to find their former pack-mates? It wasn't his fault for not finding anyone; he had to have been searching as well. Either her family were hiding in lands she hadn't yet ventured through or something truly tragic had happened. Why couldn't her parents have at least met up with her just after Threar was taken over? Maybe then they could have said where they were going so she could follow them and never leave their sides ever again. Did they not care about her? Had they just abandoned her? Don't cry. She sent an urgent message to her eyes, her vision starting to blur with water. Think of the positives. Miksa is here - he hasn't abandoned you. Indeed, she agreed with a sniff, feeling her eyes starting to dry. He was here and that was all that mattered. In a way she felt complete. "It's alright," she gently assured, not wanting him to blame himself for the outcome. After all, he couldn't control how the events had played out, and neither could she. Forcing a smile, she tried to start a conversation. "Where have you been anyway?" It wasn't a demanding voice, or one that inferred, 'Why didn't you come any sooner?'; merely a curious tone. She wanted to know what he had been doing over the past, how he had occupied himself and where he had travelled. Besides, there was a faint yet strange scent that clung to his pallid body. Even with her hunter's nose, she had no clue as to where it had come from or what it meant, though she could only hope he would mention it somewhere along his lines. Although, perhaps it was nothing - her mind just messing with her, and that wasn't rare.
