



2 Years
12-23-2015, 12:26 PM
Oh, how he hated his mother like this. Oh, how he wished he could do something... more than what he was. The darkness inside of his mother; how had he not seen it before? Why must it affect her so? It bewildered the young one's mind, who had never yet before seen such a dark thing. He was innocent; naive. Slowly, that was fading away - with this being the first piece of the shell to break away. His mother was not unbroken. She was broken inside.

Still, she'd curl her head around him, and the boy would breathe a sigh in relief. She was becoming herself again, she was becoming her. The unbroken one. The broken one was being pushed aside for the moment, and that was what mattered. He felt the slight movement of her head, and he'd smile to himself - it seemed, she might have come to some sort of decision. And he figured she was about to tell him what she wanted of him.

Her words - spoken so softly, so firmly. They were music to the boy's ears; he could not agree with he with her more. Yes, he would always walk beside his family. He'd never leave them, no, not if he had the - shock cut off his thoughts. What? Him, to become ruler over Borealis at some point? But... but what if something happened? What if he messe- once again, his thought process would be interrupted by further words from his mother. Training, alongside her. And a reassurance that it would not be anytime soon would he lead... and then, and then the question. By this point, the young boy had already come to a conclusion. He pulled away from Marina slightly, so he could look her in the eyes. "Yes, Mama," he spoke firmly, nodding once to emphasize his words. Determination sparked in his gaze. He'd do it - definitely. He'd do it for his mama.
