
Spreading Your Love From The Tip Of A Sword



5 Years
12-23-2015, 07:19 PM
ooc:  confirmed with Arin that Háre's shoulder and chest attacks hit their mark

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

Hárekr could practically feel the rage roiling off his opponent and it filled the trickster will glee as his lower fangs pierced the flesh under Arcus' left eye, his upper fangs tearing moderate lacerations in the top of the man's head just before his ear.  Suddenly his prize was torn from him as Arcus yanked his head violently out of Hárekr's grip.  Boooo!  He wasn't done rearranging the other males face yet!  Moderate bruising would mark the front and outside of Arcus' left shoulder from where Hárekr's chest and right shoulder slam collided with their targets.  In turn Háre would receive mild bruising on the front of his right shoulder and the center of his chest but it was well worth it to make his opponent hurt just a bit more.  His paw swipe would miss and the limb would quickly return to the ground as his opponent stumbled to Háre's left shaking his stormy head.

Hackles remained raised, ears flat against his skull, eyes narrowed and the flesh of his face bunching in a challenging snarl. Come on, boy that can't be it!  His legs spread equidistant apart, limbs coiling just slightly in a loose crouch to lower his center of gravity and to keep himself limber.  Snowy toes spread wide, the claws biting into the snow-laden ground as his head and tail realigned with his spine.  His shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back as his chin tucked.  He glared out challengingly at the other male, the left corner of his lips twisting up in a smirk.  The boy was a decent fighter, he'd give him that but sooner or later the others anger was going to get him into trouble.  

Hárekr had little intention of standing around while Arcus tried to shake the blood off his face.  Back legs kicked out as he charged, seeking to close the distance between them just as Arcus shifted to bring them head on and charged as well. Arcus stepped to Háre's right as Hárekr shifted a few inches to his own right in an an effort to line his right shoulder with the groove between Arcus' left shoulder and chest. Hárekr's legs would coil just a bit more as Háre attempted to duck under Arcus' fangs his head rotating to his own left, jaws opened wide in an effort to seize hold of Arcus throat.  His upper fangs seeking to fall directly under the right corner of Arcus' jaw, his lower fangs under the left corner of the angry mans jaw.  Háre wanted to gain a crushing grip on the man's windpipe that would suffocate, maybe even kill, the other.  The viking man wasn't keen on pulling his attacks for one who would slander him so.  Hárekr hoped the other mans momentum would bring him right into Háre's waiting jaws.  Hárekr's sudden duck down would spare him from Arcus' own fangs the stormy mans upper fangs sailing over his head, the lower fangs just nicking mild lacerations along the upper portion of his right cheek, a few inches below his right eye.  My, my he was going to look like he had whiskers!  He couldn't wait to show Kat-ja  ahahahahahahahaa….

This time Háre wasn't intent on evasion and dancing around he wanted to meet this  other man flesh to flesh, sweat to sweat and blood to blood.  Simultaneous with his jaw attack Háre sought to slam the front of his right shoulder violently forward into the groove between Arcus left shoulder and chest hoping to severely bruise the area and perhaps strain the stormy man's shoulder.  In addition Háre thrust his chest forward seeking to counter Arcus chest and right shoulder by throwing the upper left side of his chest forward with the goal of colliding it into the front of Arcus right shoulder.  Háre wanted to cause significant bruising and hoped the broader bulk of his chest would absorb more of his opponents blow though he knew he was bound to receive return damage.  Likewise he hoped to collide the right side of his chest with the center of Arcus' chest.  He wasn't going to  be pushed around so easily.  

With his weight shifting evenly to his right foreleg and hindlegs for his shoulder throw Hárekr would lift his left forepaw and attempt to slam it down on the toes of Arcus' right forepaw with the intent of severely bruising and straining the toes.

Hárekr vs Arcus for Maim (blinding of left eye)  Rd. 2/2

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."