
Sharpen Thy Blades!


12-23-2015, 07:28 PM

The man heard the call, heard it and knew what it meant before he even left the den. The call was a call to arms so to speak, a call for training in a task of the utmost importance. Wolves of Borealis needed to be well equipped for a fight if there was ever one, especially since as Sonticus they were a target. There was little doubt in his mind that the peace they seemed to be experiencing would not last forever. Cypress would breathe in, taking a careful step away from his den. No doubt Razor would be excused from the meeting, though he hoped Eponine, Holly, and Rivaxorus would make an appearance.

Cypress would feel his paws tingling. There was a bit of anxiety in his heart about battle. After his freeze up in his battle with Valentine the man wondered if he’d have the strength to be able to battle again... Or the courage. He would shakily breathe in, finding as he arrived that he was not the first to heed the rainbow woman’s call. The two present were none other than his own eldest son, as well as one of Marina’s own. They seemed... A bit close. Perhaps they had become friends? The man truly hoped so. Perhaps... Perhaps it would give his son reason to stay, or at least more of a reason for Leo to befriend Borealis.

Cypress would sit, tipping his head towards Marina with a half smile. “Greetings Marina.” She seemed to be in good spirits. Perhaps, as long as the rest of the pack arrived in a timely manner, it would stay that way.
