
Together We Stand Tall


12-23-2015, 07:41 PM

They had agreed to meet again in Southern Alacritia, and the young man would do so with a will. Sophitia had flown off on her own for the day in search of prey, leaving ‘licien on his own to hunt down Mystic and her small family. He could mostly remember the way, though once he got into the Southern continent the man would get lost. Félicien would not mind too much though. The time away from Abaven, while not exactly ideal, was also slightly welcomed. He loved the thrill of walking along in the open, with no duties or responsibilities weighing down upon his shoulders.

Félicien would lift his head to gaze around the area he found himself in. It was interesting, with stones sticking up high from the ground. They were... Curious. How had such massive stones formed? He would approach one curiously, rising upon his hind legs and placing front paws upon the silvery-gray stone.

The young man would feel the cold stone beneath his paws and wince slightly. Cooooold! He would drop back down into the snow, glancing at the gray skies. They were promising for more snow ahead... Just what the world needed. He was thankful that there wasn’t much in this area... But... Even a coating could be a bit of a pain. He would perk his ears, glancing around. Did he just hear pawsteps?

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen