
Together We Stand Tall


12-23-2015, 08:46 PM

Félicien would wait, and, sure enough, he had been right. It was indeed pawsteps that he had heard -- the pawsteps of a familiar face. Hearing her voice, and seeing her smile, brought a smile to Féli's face as well. While he had enjoyed his time home in Abaven, getting to know a new face, he also enjoyed meeting. Tinaro was a nice wolf, dutiful to Abaven. There was little doubt that the young man would go far within the pack, whereas Félicien was content to just be whatever rank was needed.

“Likewise Mystic.” His voice was a gentle rumble. “How have you been fairing thus far in the winter? Luckily for you it’s much warmer here in the south, huh?” His bi-colored eyes were shining happily. He was definitely glad to see her, and no worse for wear as well. The reminder of those Yfir wolves had left a bad taste in his mouth. Were they out gathering slaves now, he wondered?

Félicien would close the distance between them, gently nudging Mystic’s shoulder in a warm greeting. “You know... I’ve kind of missed you. It was nice traveling together.” The golden male would admit.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen