
chaos engine [warrior training]



5 Years
12-23-2015, 09:29 PM

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

Hárekr was intrigued by Kapra's words.  Fight like berserkers?  He laughed.  "I like this plan!  Our healers skills could also use testing, no?"  His bi-colored gaze shot a side-long glance at Lyndvarr. "Try not to pass out, hm?"  With a chuckle he turned to Bernadette, his opponent and readied himself, excitement and adrenaline coursing through is body.  Oh he looked forward to this!  His blue eye seeming to sparkle excitedly with the violence to come.  He'd take a deep breath, letting it spill from his mouth in a fine mist.  It was a strange thing not to set his defenses but he had been moved to battle by the shifting seas of emotion and with a few steady breaths he let himself melt, the urge to set those familiar safety maneuvers leaving him as he faced his opponent.  He grinned, the first move was hers and as she charged he tensed.  It seemed odd for a berserker to merely stand there and take his opponents attacks without going to meet them.  

As Bernadette charges his left side Háre twists to arc his upper body to his left in an attempt to slide the left side of his body along her left side.  His legs coil so that he can come in low.  Háre wants to come in close and tight and take her attacks just as he dishes out his own.  Bernadette's left shoulder skims along his back ribs, mid-way between his belly and back, leaving minor bruising as he thrusts the tip of his left shoulder blade forward and up attempting to slam it into the left underside of her belly, about six inches in front of her left hind leg.  He wants to cause severe bruising and make her wretch.  Hárekr's head tilts to his right and down as he seeks to catch Bernie's left hind leg between his jaws just above her heel.  His upper fangs seek to land on the outside of the limb, lower fangs on the inside directly across from his uppers.  He wants a powerful hold he can use to fracture this delicate part of the appendage.  This training was about brutality yes?

As if on cue as Hárekr's own jaws launched forward Bernadette's would sink into the meat of his left hip, her attack having been displaced by his effort to crouch and come in low.  Moderate puncture wounds would dig into muscle, sending pain shivering up his spine and staining his white fur with blood as she got a hold.  

They were almost like mirrors, Hárekr's weight would shift to his left front leg and hind legs as he lifted his right forepaw, seeking to slam his paw down on her left hind foot.  Just as he moved her right forepaw would slam on the toes of his left hind paw causing severe bruising the toes, he was certain she'd sprained a few.

Hárekr vs Bernadette for Berserker Spar Rd. 1/1  (sorry but I really need a fight break, my muse is shot) ><

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."