
Im glad you came



6 Years
12-24-2015, 12:02 AM
(You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So lets go somewhere no one can see
you and me

He looked at her, at his broken love. The one that he had chosen, that he had fallen so hard for. Her brokeness he had promised to repair, and yet...yet here they were. It felt like she was a very clear representation of his world. Her blind eyes would flicker to him, and he would stare back at her, silent as the tears filled his eyes. He cursed their luck. If he could just...go back. Perhaps he would have been smarter. Perhaps...he would have left her alone, maybe then she wouldn't have felt this. But no, he needed her, and he was so blind and so...selfish to not have known that weeks ago. Stormy eyes burned before they flooded over, a tightness gripping onto his throat as she spoke his name.

He had been so awful to her. Especially to her.

There was nothing but silence for a moment as he stared, as he remembered every moment he had laid upon that beach, every moment he had wallowed and searched and left her behind. A grieving mother, his depressed wife. Well, no...they hadn't married yet, had they...

Something suddenly flickered on, and his eyes grew wide. He had to make it up to her. Standing quickly to his paws he stepped closer to her. "I am sorry that I made you face this all alone. I was so...selfish." He whispered, his gaze shifting away. "I love you..." He breathed, closing his eyes tightly before he looked back to her. He had to make this right, he had too. "Come with me." He breathed softly, silently as if it were a secret only she should hear. "I want to give you something..." He murmured, stepping quickly into the den to go to his rock collection and to the little gift he had hidden amongst his precious stones. He would turn back to her then, hoping she would agree.

"Burn Baby Burn"