
chaos engine [warrior training]



3 Years
12-24-2015, 07:51 AM

Lyndvarr wasn't sure about this.  Fight without setting defenses?  It sounded more crazy than mystical to him but Kapra was his senior and he wouldn't disrespect the other man.  There had to be something to learn from this, something he didn't see yet but perhaps would discover after the match.  His stomach dropped though as he was paired against Katja.  He was going to fight his aunt?  Lyndvarr had always wanted to train and spar against her but now that the battle was looking him right in the face he was doubting himself.  Though he supposed he ought to be grateful for the fight format.  He knew that this brutal, straight-forward method was not Katja's preferred form of fighting and it certainly wasn't his either.  Some how he was certain this would level the playing field.

Katja dipped her head to him in acknowledgement and he dipped his head as well to offer his respect to her before he moved to face her, leaving a moderate distance between them.  His hackles rose, his ears pinning to his-   crap, no that was against this exercise.  Not setting his defenses was like asking him to fight without breathing.  It was so foreign, so unnatural.  He willed his hackles to lay flat and his ears to stand alert.  Katja snarled at him and Lyndvarr snarled back, psyching himself up for the pain to come, willing himself to accept the fact that his flesh was about to be torn asunder.

Katja charged and so too did Lyndvarr as he attempted to meet her half way.  As she stepped to her right he'd seek to step to his left, hoping to keep them in head on alignment.  He wanted to crash right into her.  This was how a berserker fought right?  Head on?  It occurred to him this might be easier to pick up with examples but there was no time to think on it now.  Katja reared and Lyndvarr's neck would recoil, his chin tucking sharply against his neck to avoid her head butt.  He felt a rush of admiration for the woman but it was quickly stifled as Katja's gaping jaws lunged for his throat.  With his chin already tucked he sought to dive his jaws down to meet hers, his head rotating slightly to his right he attempted to dive his jaws and intercept her bite by catching her upper jaw between his.  Lyndvarr sought for his upper fangs to land on the left side of her muzzle, lower fangs on the right.  He hoped to catch the muzzle right in the middle between her nose and where her face began to slope.  Lyndvarr wanted to tear flesh as well as gain a hold.  He was aware it might not be a perfect counter and that at this close proximity her fangs were still likely to cut his flesh but he hoped to minimize some of the damage.  He could hear Hárekr's words in his head, "Try not to pass out hm?",  well he wasn't going to.

With his momentum carrying him forward Lyndvarr's muscles rippled and coiled as he sought to throw his chest and shoulders forward into his aunt.  The front of his left shoulder hoping to collide with the front of her right shoulder, the front of his right shoulder seeking to collide with the front of her left shoulder.  The exact center of his chest would push forward, aiming for the exact center of her chest.  He wanted to crash into her with enough force to cause not only significant bruising but to also push her over on to her back.  As she was rearing to attack him he hoped the sudden collision and his larger size might be enough to push her over or at least cause her to stumble back.  He braced himself mentally for the pain.

Lyndvarr vs Katja for Berserker Spar Rd. 1/1
Sorry, my fight muse needs a rest.  ><  I'm am totally up for another spar after my respite though <3