
Today's Another Day



6 Years
12-25-2015, 10:59 PM

Voltage Elementas

A rare, and oddly placed joy filled him as he looked at the young child. Quite brave, though some might say naive. It wasn't very smart for someone as young as he to approach a border he didn't know, unless of course the alphas knew the elementas in some way. Anyone who met them would know they couldn't hurt a fly, unless of course they were hurt first. God save the creature who harmed his family. Perhaps Glacier had met the boy previously, or the family that owned the lands. If he did it made sense that he wouldn't tell Voltage. Lightbutt had been rather one track minded lately, anyways. He blinked himself free of his thoughts and looked down at Ren.

Oh, he loved children.

"How professional of you, sir Polaris." He said with a gentle laugh, his eyes crinkling in his joy and mirth just slightly. He would tilt his head then, humming softly at the new information. He would move to recline on his haunches then, his tail shifting to cover his hind paw. "Who am I? Well, " He smirked then and puffed his chest out. "My name is Voltage Elementas and I am the great king of Donostrea." He said with a grin, before shaking his head with a gentle laugh. "Well, sorta. My pack, Dono, is really just my family, and I'm their big brother, so I lead them. Along with my littermate of course." He said with a gentle smile, glancing over his shoulder to look out at the packland before looking back at the child. He couldn't be much younger than his daughters. A couple seasons? Nearly a year? Spring...spring would be their birthday. Perhaps they had that in common. "How long have you been here, young prince? I haven't been to this border in...well, a season." His voice would grow slightly quieter at the end, but nothing too noticeable.
