
Long overdue



6 Years
Extra large
12-26-2015, 10:46 PM
Terrae was quick to give an appearance and the giant lowered his head to nudge the top of his brothers skull, smiling at his younger sibling as he spoke. "Brother" he replied warmly in response to the greeting. "I have been well. I trust your studies have been going well? Orchid had high praise to give you" he explained, his stern expression breaking into a broad smile. "In fact that's why I called you" he admitted, working his way quickly to the matter at hand. He looked out across the touched of winter on his land, and thought about all the wolves that lived here, in his and voltages part of the world. All family, all deeply loved, and all relying on the oldest two for the safety and health.

"It's well time we rewarded you for your hard work and dedication. More so then that, it's time we set up a wolf in a position donostrea needs. If you feel you are prepared for the duties and the huge responsibility of it I want you to become the lead healer. This will give you both authority and responsibly. You will be in charge of any healer meetings required, the lead expert of donostrea in any matters regarding healing, and in charge of lior's knowledge and expanding it and your own - and of course any other healers we might gain in the future" he concluded. Leaving no doubt to the responisiblies and challanged his brother might face.