
You Are Loved



6 Years
12-26-2015, 11:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2015, 11:48 PM by Voltage.)
Voltage padded along the beach, black sand massaging the tender pads of his paws. He hissed and winced at moments, pausing to run his tongue along the thing skin that constantly opened and bled since his frantic search for illie. It would take a while before they healed, if he ever got off them. But he kept that on the down low, didn't even want his healer of a brother to know. He had been woken by a nightmare, and had gently pulled himself from his mate's side. He had been walking the beach for nearly an hour now, slow back and forth along the water's edge and then the dens. It was quiet out, the air was brisk, and he basked in the ocean air. Alone, a still and beautiful night. It was like everything had quieted down for once, and he could finally breathe without trying to smile or trying to make sense of it all. The quiet was nice, for once. wouldn't last.

He was passing along the den's when he heard something bang inside, before he saw his massive brother exit his den to call for Terrae. Large stormy eyes watched, surprised he hadn't been seen before his brain caught up on him. Wait, Terrae....

A large smile touched his lips, and he instantly knew why Glace had such an adoreably frantic look on his face. Well, Volt knew something he didn't, it seemed. With a gentle shake of his head he padded gently towards the den, calm but still energized. He felt electric, a smooth current. Stormy eyes would easily adjust to the darkness as he poked his head into the den he knew well. "Morning lil lady." He said with a gently voice to his favorite little mouse and smiling to his brother. He would carefully step in, staying close to the entrance incase he became a nuisance. Terrae would be best to assist in this, but for now. "Anais, breathe lovebug." He said softly, moving to press a gentle kiss on the top of her skull, comforting and loving before looking at his brother. "Has Terrae given you any herbs in preparation? Any pain killers, birthing aides?"

"Burn Baby Burn"