
Lampshades on Fire



5 Years
12-27-2015, 01:15 PM
She glared out at her sunny brother, huffing as she dug her nose under her flame licked leg. She knew that Sol didn't care for winter either, and huffed at his comment about the clouds. It wasn't just the damn clouds it was the freaking cold ass snow on the ground. She pressed her nose further into the rotting log, the smell of the decomposing wood filling her nostrils. It reminded her of better days, and she just wanted it all to pass. "How much longer?" she asked with a whine, moving her ember eyes from her sibling to the sky above him. It was all bleak and nasty, she knew that there were still quite a few more weeks before the stupid snow went away.

Sol commented about not seeing her for awhile, and her ears pulled back in guilt. She tried to shrug it off, her irritation mostly covering her shame. "I just needed a break, I guess...: she muttered, putting her head back on top of her legs as she licked the wood chips off her maw. Serefina didn't really want to talk about why she had gone away, and was thankful when the subject wasn't pushed. For now. But when he asked about Selini her head rose up, blinding her tired eyes at her sunshine brother. Her and her moon sister didn't get along, at all. Selini constantly pushed her buttons and tried to one up her, which pissed her off to no end. But she couldn't help but hear the concern in her little brothers voice, and she scooted closer to brush her nose against his cheek. "I haven't, I'm sorry. Has she wandered off again?" Sere asked softly. She knew that the solar triplets were prone to wander off, but to hear the worry in Sol's voice let her know that this was not normal. He was the closest with Selini, like she was with Voltage, so she understood the bond. Concern filled her own eyes, gaze searching his black marked face.