
Blue lips, Blue veins



5 Years
12-27-2015, 02:55 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2016, 12:07 PM by Evelyn.)

Her ember eyes gazed at him with slight concern as he stumbled from her shoulder bump. It had not been that hard, certainly not enough to knock him over, and yet he fought to stand up again. Had he been that deep in thought that she had startled him right over? Blinking several times she stood beside him as he collected himself, silently eyeing him with a frown on her face. This was not the Voltage that she knew. This was merely a shell of her electric brother, nothing more than a walking reminder of what once was. He was empty, she could see that. He may be trying to put on a front for everyone else but she could not be fooled. His eyes were ghosts of themselves, where usually energy burned in their depths. Maw opened and closed, Sere pushed back the words that sat at the top of her tongue. Her brother knew how he was feeling, she didn't need to bring it up. He knew as well as she did that Sere knew how he felt, they didn't even have to speak to get a message across. Just a look, a movement, could speak paragraphs between the two of them. With a sigh she dropped her gaze, looking above him at the gloomy clouds that took over the sky. She was more than ready for winter to be over, maybe then she could be more assistance to her yellow marked brother. At the moment she was far too sluggish and sleepy to whip him into shape, she would already be on his ass by now without this damned snow.

Voltage spoke, her head lowering to return her ember gaze to his own. She did understand, Voltage was hoping that the ocean would give back what it had stolen from him. "I always told you that the water was evil," she said softly, eyes sparkling at her lame attempt of a joke. Anything to hear that laugh. And not a forced, sad one. Not the latest false smile that he used to try and fool the others. Serefina knew best. The firey woman pulled her rump toward the earth and sat on the snow, grumbling slightly as she shifted in the wet, cold substance. Tail curled around her and fluffed up, trying to warm her freezing toes. "No one can blame you brother, your world has been turned upside down." Words wee spoken softly, the woman leaning forward to brush her nose against his cool cheek.

She did not miss the panic that rose in his voice, making her pull back to study his features. "You told me that she blames herself, right? Well of she is anything like her father, than she has gone off to make it right. If she's like you she didn't want to worry or stress you out, but come home with everything in the right place." Serefina mused, a tender smile on her lips. Surly the girl was just like her father, Gaia was more timid and reserved. She didn't see her wandering off by herself. He joined her in a seated position, and she shuffled herself over so that they were shoulder to shoulder. Serefina rested her flame coloured face on his shoulder, softly nipping at his fur. "She will come back when all is right."

Her older brother went on to talk about how tired he was, and she sat in silence and allowed him to speak his mind. Her ears pulled back at the sound of Glacier having pups, a huff leaving her maw. "I really will die an old maid." she mused in a grumbly tone, before thinking about what else he had said. Letting out a sigh she snuggled closer into him, taking a few moments to formulate her words. "I have felt myself growing apart from the family, Volt. Everyone is meeting someone and wanting to settle down and make a family. That was never the life for me. It was much more simple when it was just us, but with all these others around its... complicated. I don't feel at home there anymore, so..." Pulling herself up off of him she tried to meet his gaze, studying his features. "Come away with me. Glacier and Anais can run the pack, make it a safe place for their little ones and the others who are settling down. But we can wander the world, find our place somewhere else. Just the two of us." Serefina's voice was hopeful, a touch of excitement bubbling up into her vocals.


Art by Lunarcat7