
Long overdue



6 Years
12-27-2015, 10:16 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage was...doing, something. To be entirely honest, if he were asked what he was doing he really couldn't name it. Was he procrastinating? Perhaps. Perhaps yes. It had been so long since he had done any "alpha" things, and he almost felt an imposter getting in on it now. So he had set out on a mission that was as silly as one might expect of Voltage. He was out to find the perfect rock. Yes, a rock. It had to be perfect, the right shape, the right weight, the right color, but when he found it he knew he had to face the music. Excitement and apprehension coursed through his chest, and he had to physically shake his head to get himself out of the little funk he was in. This was his brother! It wasn't like this was a large thing. And besides, there was a very very tiny chance Terrae would even turn it down. It was just..getting back into it that felt odd. Like he had given up on finding illie, even if that was entirely untrue.

He had found his perfect rock, and had turned back to walk towards the place Glacier was waiting. He blinked in surprise when he noticed both of them there already. He sighed softly, disappointed in himself. He moved along towards them, his "perfect stone" held in his teeth. He moved to stand beside his brother and gently dropped the stone, laughing softly. "Sorry I'm late." He said happily, looking at his herb loving brother before he gently pushed the stone forward. "That's for you. It's uh...a...badge, for.." He paused then and looked up at Glacier, stormy eyes narrowed and knowing. There was something about the air, he could tell. "You told him didn't you." He said, staring at him with icy eyes, his jaw set tight.
