
Today's Another Day



6 Years
12-28-2015, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:26 AM by Voltage.)

Voltage Elementas

Voltage liked this boy very much, but he generally either liked others a lot or didn't like them at all. The later was far rarer than the former. A rolling, rumbling laughter burst from his lips, full and loud and just as exuberant as the child. His eyes shone with a mirth and happiness he hadn't felt in too long. He hadn't felt this happy since the earth had died, and he knew this was it repairing itself. This child held a future he dreamed for illie, and he felt...happy. Not jealous, not resentful. The world would continue and have futures because children were born and laughed and had shining eyes, just like she had. "You have?" He said finally with a bubbly laugh, his teeth showing in a full toothy grin as he ran his paw along the grass. "He sure must've left an impression on you, little prince." He smiled softly, tilting his head ever so gently.

When the boy, Ren, confirmed he liked the idea, Voltage couldn't help but laugh again. Happily, such a strange emotion. He then slowly lifted his gaze from the boy to the large blue sky, sighing softly. However, everything paused when the young prince said he was born in the spring. A sort of...shock ran through him, coursing through his veins, and he had to remember to take a breath. He slowly shook his head then, forcing another smile on his face before looking back at him. "You turn one?" He said softly, tilting his head the other way as his smile faltered slightly. That's right...her birthday was coming up.
