
Sound the bugle now



1 Year
12-28-2015, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 02:30 AM by Glacier.)

Sound the bugle now - play it just for me
As the seasons change - remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on - I can't even start
I've got nothing left - just an empty heart

In every corner of Donostrea territory a wolf could hear the sounds of the ocean. To the alluring siren call of the soft waves against shore, a sound set to soothe and entice, a sound to draw you in to its deep, dark grasp with its dreadful lie. The cry of the seagull, the eyes and the ears of the ocean. The scent of sea salt, a smell strong enough to hide the scent of decay. Surely it was no wonder that the Donostrea child couldn't bare to be so close to its reach,  couldn't bare the anxious eyes of her family and all the everything that reminded her of her loss. She had no choice but to be as  unforgiving as the ocean that frightened her, to be relentless in her pursuit of self deprecation. She was the reason for Illume's death, for the loss of vibrant intensity in the dull blue sky. It didn't matter that no one in her family blamed her, indeed it proved only to aggravate her further, the young child did not forgive herself.

I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me - lead me away...
Or leave me lying here

Leaving Donostrea territory would have been a daunting task had she not journeyed it so lifelessly. She felt cold and alone in the territory of her home and she felt no different on the other side. Finding scraps of eat became difficult,  she had never been taught to hunt for herself the vital time line in which she would have had instead been giving to searching and mourning. When her stomach refused her another step until she had eaten she stole. Be it from another wolf or a different variety of predator entirely. On more then one occasion in the on going weeks she was chased away, escaping by the tip of her tail. She was a sorry looking wolf a far cry from the proud Donostrea family she hailed from. She spoke little, and could barely remember the sound of her voice.  More importantly, more frighteningly, she could barely remember the sound of Illume's. How much of her sisters coat had the tone of blue?  Exactly what shade of the sky kissed color had her sister boosted? She huddled into the undergrowth of a bush in an attempt to escape the chill of the lightly falling snow as she contemplated the holes in her memory. What had her sisters laughter sounded like?  How had her lips moved when she had smiled? Sometimes, in her nightmares, she saw the horrified eyes of her sister, her head just above the waves before ghostly paws had pulled her away. That probably wasn't how it had gone down, but even the exact details of that night seemed to escape her. The haunted eyes of her sister felt real, and there was no smile on those lips, no forgiveness. Oddly enough,  the shade of her sisters blue eyes was not and could not be forgotten. Only, in the version she remembered there was no kindness, only hatred.

Sound the bugle now - tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know - that leads to anywhere
Without a
light I fear that I will stumble in the dark
Lay right down - decide not to go on

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