
Sound the bugle now



9 Years
12-28-2015, 09:04 AM
(Set before This)

(Then from on high
somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls "remember who you are"
If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow
So be strong tonight
Remember who you are)

Arcus was bored out of his skull. He wanted to go see Shaye, but something kept him from doing so. He had done nothing with his life since Astrea went home, and spring was coming up. He couldn't help but sigh, shaking his head as a certain level of anger rolled within him. His storms were raging, large and unstoppable, something he both enjoyed and loathed. He knew darkness well, he knew the feeling of the clouds blotting out the sun. Knew what it was like to feel so angry, to feel so alone. There was something about his family that could just do that to you.

He was better off alone anyways.

With an angry breath he rolled his skull, sitting beneath a tree that looked exactly like any other tree. Pest was off doing something, and he was happy for it. He needed time away from his bird, time away from the reminder of Shaye. He didn't need any more distractions, though what it distracting from he didn't know. He was bored, but at least it was quiet. He would sigh again, seeming to let out little clouds that circled in his chest. His breath fogged before him, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. No matter how much he breathed, his storms would never leave him.

Through his dissipating breath, a figure formed. The yellow color had him reeling, had him quickly on his feet and ducking behind the tree before any rational thought entered his brain. It was reactionary, he did not want to see his brother in that moment. But when he peered around the tree, it was obvious to say that that wasn't his brother. But the coloring...the markings, it was so similar. Brows furrowed slightly as a scowl set on his lips before he stepped around the tree again. Curiousity killed the cat, after all.

He stepped towards her, practically stomping as his storms raged. "You." He said in "greeting", wanting to know why exactly this girl wore the coat of his stupid brother. Perhaps he had had kids? Oh god, help the world. But then he paused, seeing the look on her face, and he was struck with a different sort of familiarity. "Hey." His voice was softer now as all sign of aggression left his face, leaving only confusion and childlike curiousity. He tilted his head, slate blue eyes sstaring down at the child. "What's the matter, kid? You look like you lost your best friend." If he had known, he might have winced at the words. But then again, Arcus was a rather blunt fellow. Why was he wasting his time with this brat? Well...she had his eyes.

(You're a soldier now
Fighting in a battle
To be free once more
yeah that's worth fighting for

"Burn Baby Burn"