
Today's Another Day



6 Years
12-28-2015, 09:14 AM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage would chuckle good humoredly down at the child, a gentle grin on his lips. Oh he loved children, he couldn't say that enough. Their innocence just...lifted his spirits. He'd shift again, looking out beyond the child as he seemed lost in thought, more than a little curious about his pack and who was all in it. He had never explored their territories and, now, he was scared that he wouldn't be allowed. But if the alphas were as kind as this child, then maybe he would be able to get himself a tour. But then again, you couldn't entirely judge the parents by the child. At least, not always.

He blinked back to himself when Ren spoke, and he quickly turned his full attention back to the child. It was something he was getting better at, giving all his attention to something. It kept his mind from wandering. Strange that he'd learn self control after something so awful. He blinked away the thought and smiled at the child. "You haven't had fish!? Well, its so tastey but it also has tiny bones so you gotta be careful when you eat it. But we got the prairie's too" He said, motioning behind him. "So if you don't like fish I'm sure we could get other things/" He'd laugh softly then, wondering who had been doing the hunting since he had been out of it. Ani, right? Wait, again, full attention Voltage. "Well, my family is very large and we have all been blessed with spring birthdays. So instead of figuring out the exact time of each litter's birth, we just have a massive birthday bash on our beach." He said with a grin. "But do I really need an excuse to hold a party? Spring is warm, the ocean will be lovely. Spring is the best season, I think. A happy birthday to us, and a welcome life." He said then, smiling at the end. He hoped Illie and Current would be home before the seasons change.
